Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, Tues. - Take Inspiration from Inspiration

It's been a while since the last rule, so I'll try to make up for it. Here goes: You have a favorite band. You listen to them all the time. Don't listen to them today. Instead, listen to music that inspired your favorite band*, see if you can hear what they did.

*Bonus: Who's that guy? (Hint: he created and inspired a lot of great music)


  1. I like this one! Re: Who's that guy? Well, that would be Robert Johnson, right? The man who inspired Buddy Guy, BB King, Eric Clapton and so many blue guitarists. He's credited with first performing and writing one of my blue favs-- Sweet Home Chicago. (This is what living just outside of Chicago for 5 years will learn you, plus a pair of Bulls Championship commemorative boxers!)

  2. This is an excellent rule. More people should do this everyday. All of these MJ fans who think he invented all those moved, need to watch some old James Brown performances. That guy was shakin' it when Michael was in diapers.


  3. You know, some of your rules aren't all that stupid, including this one. Just sayin'.

    SpicyBrownGirl got the bonus question right.
